Friday, November 5, 2010

Chemotherapy is working....YAY!!!

In spite of the hell that goes along with it, the chemotherapy is working.

It's going to be for 12 more weeks of chemo. rather then 6, but after the 1st 2 treatments of the new chemo. (not counting today) we've already noticed quite a difference.

In case you don't remember the 1st round, which was more brutal, made the lesions in her liver no longer detectable as well as the lymph nodes in her chest. It shrunk the nodes in her lungs a little and also shrunk the lymph nodes under her arm a bit.

This new chemotherapy we discovered today, not only works especially well on the large, dense tumor in her breast, it will also continue to work of the other suspected tumors in her lungs, liver, and lymph nodes.

I know we still have a long road ahead, and some scary side effects to deal with, surgery to plan, and eventually 6 weeks of radiation/5 days a week, but at least we know it's working. IT'S WORKING!

I'm crying happy tears as I write this for the 1st time in a LONG time.....YAY!


  1. AGHHHH! I'm soooooooooo happy for you! Congratulations! So incredibly glad to hear it. Love you guys!

  2. Blissfully happy to read this - it's been so long since you've had a genuinely good moment.

  3. Oh that's great news, I'll say a prayer that everything keeps going well

  4. Yes! That is fantastic news!! I literally just screamed that at the top of my lungs! So incredibly happy for you both! I'll keep you both in my prayers for even more good news to come:)

  5. YAY!!!!! This post made me so happy to read! You two are going to get through this and come out the other end better and stronger than ever.

    Big hugs to you both and I can't wait to see you at the benefit!

  6. Awesome to read! Happy for you both.

  7. I share my joy with all the others for such wonderful news!

    from Reflections. ;)
